Visual art is a soulprint of living generations
In fibers of eternity.

Masterpieces of past, we admire.
They help us to determine our place
In the evolution of humanity;
They help us get closer
To comprehending the reasons
We exist.

An enduring and constantly evolving quest
For ideals of beauty,
Art is our sacred diary
Written in cosmopolitan language of form.
It is destined to be discovered
And understood.

A profoundly expressed desire
Of being able to keep open
A welcoming window into our Universe,
Shaped and colored
By our unique identity,
Bare and true,
Long after we are all gone -
The art is.

If my art is cherished
for its elegance and beauty;
If someone's soul is touched
by discovering it;
After all,
If our precious world becomes loved
And appreciated even a tiny bit more

Because I dared to change it...

Then -
My honest,
My passionate,
My desperate
And ever-merciless effort
is rewarded in full.
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Serguei N. Velidtchenko